What We Do

The Antigua & Barbuda Ocean Trust, a local not-for-profit organization driven by volunteers, is dedicated to the preservation of the oceans and shores surrounding our twin islands.

Our initiatives encompass various activities such as training future marine ecologists, clearing plastics from seas, tackling invasive species, and safeguarding sea turtles and their nesting sites.

Collaborating with existing marine conservation organizations, we strive to achieve our goals in the most cost-effective and time-efficient manner. Our organization manages independent programs while also partnering with other groups, ensuring a collaborative and streamlined approach to marine conservation.

Our team includes a dedicated local group of experienced divers who actively contribute to our projects. Additionally, the Youth Eco-Diver Program not only assists in the implementation of our initiatives but also plays a crucial role in controlling the costs associated with our work.

If you would like to know more about our vital work or become a volunteer then please contact us here.

If you would like to help us financially then please click on the blue button below.